Monday, June 7, 2010

Sony Ericsson w995

I am not happy with my phone right now. When I came back from San Jose, the battery became uncharged really fast and I could not understand why. I almost had to have the thing on the charger for it to work. That is when I noticed that there was a little globe symbol on my phone. I thought that was odd, being a little technically challenged I did not at once undrestand what it meant. When I figured out that I was probably online I tried everything I could think of to get offline. After an hour I finally managed to get it off. The next day at work my phone started beeping saying I had no battery left, and I noticed the darn globe was on again. Me and a coworked kept trying to turn off the internet connection but the darn thing managed to go online as soon as we turned it off. I finally got it off, and I called the cell company who told me that I had $100 worh of online time. What?!! I told them to remove my option of being online, but that sucks cause I do like getting online with my phone when I choose to be.

San Jose

Two weeks ago I had to go to San Jose for my job. I got 3 days notice, but I pulled it off. It was so nice to be back in the US. When I arrived in San Francisco I was pulled in by immigration to do a second interview, since I've had a green card I guess they were affraid that I was about to move back. After an hour of questioning they felt safe letting me enter the country. Being back felt awsome, and just getting in a car driving from San Fransisco to San Jose felt great. I had really long days at the office so I was a little scared that I would not be able to go shopping, but on my last day I managed to get some time off, and I managed to spend a lot more money than I have, but it was worth it.
Being away from Troy was hard, thank God for skype.