Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Today was Troy's big day at the hospital. He has had stomach aches since this summer so the latest test is to see if he still has acid reflux. We arrived at the hospital and the doctor was really nice, but you could see that Troy was dreading the test. She tried to insert the tube into his nose, but he started gagging and crying so she had to stop. She gave him some meds to relax, and came back after 10 minutes to see if the meds had started working. It did not seem to work, so she gave him another 30 minutes before she came back. At that point I had to hold him down, while two doctors worked on him to get the tube in. It was horrible, and I felt so bad for him. We had to take him to get an x-ray to adjust the tube, and when we came back, the meds finally kicked in. He was no longer able to walk, his speech was slurred, and he kept giggling. We had to put him in a wheel chair to take him to get some food, since he had not been allowed to eat since the night before.
Today has been hard on him, the tube is bothering him, and the backpack with a little computer in it is not all that comfortable. He will get to take the tube out tomorrow at 9am, I am going to have to stop by the toy store on my way home and pick out something nice for him. Farmor got him a Captain Sabertooth costume as a price for her little trooper.

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