We have had a lot of activities going on in December. We have been to the theatre to see several Christmas plays, Troy has turned four and for the first time we had a party for all of his friends, we have also been in for his 4 year check up with the nurse. To his disappointment he does not need glasses, and he was doing great on prepositions, colors etc. Yesterday they had their annual Christmas party at daycare and they ate a good dinner, got desert, and Irresistible (from the Norwegian X-factor) entertained the kids.
Troy is really getting giddy and is so looking forward to Christmas Eve and Santa coming. I am just hoping that he will not be disappointed, since what he really wants for Christmas is a telescope. Any decent telescope is really expensive so I could not afford that this year, and I want to see if he has an actual interest in star gazing before I buy one.
He is going to spend the first part of Christmas with his dad, but I get to have him for a few hours tonight since we have to make sure that Santa gets his porridge, cookies and milk. We are combining the Norwegian and American traditions so Santa will get Norwegian rice porridge, chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk, all served in our barn. Troy wasn’t too sure what Santa would like the most, he thought the cookies, but just to make sure we are including the porridge.
Cute. Merry Christmas. Bethany