Thursday, September 1, 2011


Last week I started with acupuncture in an effort to achieve that goal of ours. I am not sure if I am a believer but I am willing to give it a try. Tomorrow I will go in for my second appointment. If nothing else it was vert relaxing. Btw I need to figure out hos to stop the iPad from making my spelling worse than it already is.

1 comment:

  1. Æg tru på akkupunktur! Tru på mytji alternativ behandling æg. D viktiste tru æg faktisk e å ha trua på at d verke. Æg har testa healing, å d funka fint på mæg en periode i forbindelse me magen.

    Lykke t t dåkk all. Krysse fingran å håpe d skjer nå stort for dåkk snart :)
