Saturday, February 21, 2009

Traumatizing Troy

I love Mom weekends, and this weekend is my weekend. It does seem like I’ve traumatized Troy a bit today.
It started when we were still in bed. I am tired of the streetlight that always shine on my face when I am in bed, so I laid down on the other side of Troy. This did not go over well with the little guy, he woke up and found me on the “wrong” side, and he started crying telling me to move back to my side.
My sister and her little girl decided to join us for a fun filled day, and we decided to go to Toys R Us. Troy and Celina were really excited about the toys, and then Geoffery, the Toys R Us giraffe shows up. I hold Troy’s hand as we walk over to G. Celina is polite and tells him her name, Troy looking a little traumatized tells G: my name is Celina, and then he start backing away. G leaves and Troy is OK, but then G comes back and Troy totally freaks out. He starts crying and screaming at G to go away, go away!!
Later we go to Lekeland, which is like a giant McDonald’s playground. My sister and I play with the kids, and Troy and I crawl through this maze and end up at a slide. I help Troy into it and push him down. I look over at where I thought he was supposed to come out, and I realize that’s not it!! I try to look for the end of the slide and realize that it is on the first floor of the building on the go-cart court. It is fenced in, so no danger to the kids. There is my poor little guy trapped on the in the middle of the court with really loud cars zooming by him, and no way of getting out of there (think McDonald’s playground, and how the kids have to climb to get to the slide). I send my sister down the slide (my ass is somewhat to big for one of those 100% built in slides). Then I finally find the stairs and crawl down to my crying boy.
Not exactly mother of the year today. I have to say that in between the traumas he had a lot of fun, but he has talked a lot about G, and we talked about how when someone scares him, he should tell them to go away.

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